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Welcome to Austria VCH Hotels aim to treat you, by providing you with geniune hospitality, a high level of quality, and locations of unique beauty; and all of this at prices designed for those on a budget! Our facilities include a fortress, two castles, health resorts, hotels ideal for those looking to hike, guest- and seminar houses, centres for child and youth retreats, self-catering accomodation and much more...

VCH - Verband Christlicher Hotels
Geschäftsstelle Österreich
9811 Lendorf
Tel.: +43 04762 2265
Fax: +43 04762 22654
Website: www.vch.at
E-mail: info@vch.at

Facebook: www.facebook.com/vchoesterreich

Instagram: #vchoesterreich

A-4580 Windischgarsten, Römerweg 7
+43 (0) 699 18877495
A-8793 Trofaiach, Rebenburggasse 2,
+43 (0) 3847 30250
A-8972 Ramsau am Dachstein, Vorberg 6
+43 (0) 3687 81258
A-4824 Gosau, Haus 438
+43 (0) 6136 8242
A-5612 Hüttschlag Nr. 20
+43 (0) 664 3117493
A-4210 Gallneukirchen, Oberndorf 23
+43 (0) 7235 64951-0
A-1060 Wien, Gumpendorfer Str. 39
+43 (0) 1 587 56 31 777
A-4822 Bad Goisern, Ramsaustraße 4
+43 (0) 6135 8433
A-4564 Klaus a.d. Pyhrnbahn, Klaus 16
+43 (0) 7585 441
A-5612 Hüttschlag/Nr. 20
+43 6417 606