
Welcome to Sweden KGH is a joint committee to promote Hotels, Campsites, Pensions, SummerCourse and Camp-Farms operated under Christian leadership and having a restrictive attitude to alcohol. Among our member facilities, you can fi nd everything from beautiful well equipped Camp-Farms in scenic locations to large and small Campsites from Lapland to Skåne! Some of our Camp-Farms accommodate several hundred guests, while other Camp-Farms are a more appropriate size for small groups.
Kristna gårdar och hotell (KGH)
671 94 Brunskog
Tel.: +46 (0)570 500 25
Fax: +46 (0)570 500 60
Website: kgh.nu
E-Mail: Info@kgh.nu
Södra Torprundan 46, Senoren, 373 02 Ramdala
+46 (0)455 - 441 20
Norderön 725, 832 93 Frösön
+46 (0)76-814 20 25